Located in Santa Maria, Artificial Owl is a company providing IT Services:

  • Data Hosting – While it can be hosted in our own structure or in your own office, your data will still be available from any of your devices (Internet, Computer, Smartphone) and be easily shared to your partners.

  • Data Recovering – Our main business is to prevent a loss of your data. However, if you have not taken the necessary measures by yourself and you are facing a failed hard drive or unintentionally deleted files we can help you recovering those data.

  • Privacy & Security – Your data are yours and all our solutions integrate this rule.

  • Hardware Advising – With the new technologies available nowadays, the perfect solution is available to you at a decent price

  • Software Development – Your needs may be specific and we can offer you adapted software development


Mail: maxence@artificial-owl.com

Telephone: +238 976 1889